Smith College Feature Discussing my Time at The White House

As I’ve navigated my education and built my career, one of the most important mindsets that influenced my PATH to PURPOSE was to open myself to all kinds of possibilities. As an undergraduate at Smith College, I acted with courage and opened myself to the possibility of pursuing my passion by majoring in Environmental Science and Policy. Being courageous and pursuing what truly ignited the fire for my PURPOSE and desire to make an IMPACT led me down a path of new, enriching experiences that allowed me to gain new skills and foster new connections with others who shared my same goals and values!

During undergrad, I explored many ways to be involved in my community, from leadership positions in Smith College’s Student Government Association, volunteering at local organizations, and internships that allowed me to explore my passion for public service and community engagement. And more than just uncovering more of my passion and purpose, I always seek to communicate my experiences to INSPIRE others to find their paths too. One way I tackled this during my college years was when I reflected on my internship at the White House- yes, the WHITE HOUSE- for a Smith College News Feature.

Through an interview organized by the White House Office of Specialty Media, I spilled all the details on what drew me to apply for and accept a position as an intern for the White House Internship Program. Inspired by my parents’ roles as active leaders in the community, I wanted to make a difference, an IMPACT. I knew that my other experiences as a volunteer and leader and my polished skills of communication, research, and thoughtful analysis would allow me to apply myself and enact meaningful change and innovation. But more than apply my skills, I wanted to go beyond what I already knew I excelled at and make an impact on a larger scale, and I hoped that this internship would set me up for larger-scale impact. And it did!

In the spring quarter of my senior year at Smith, I made the decision to take the semester off and explore the opportunity that I had earned at the White House Internship Program. As an intern for the Office of Scheduling and Advance, I jumped into the whirlwind of planning, scheduling, and event coordination for in-town, domestic, and international events that supported President Barack Obama. I even got to see and hear President Obama speak at the events I helped prepare! This internship brought me so much growth, through polishing skills I already had, making connections with other passionate professionals and students, and learning new lessons.

But more than that, this internship reinforced the important message that plans do not always go as expected. And that’s okay! Sometimes the unexpected can bring the most delightful surprises and uncover passions and purposes you didn’t know you had. I carry these lessons with me even today, and hope this feature serves as a reminder that PURPOSE is timeless, and never-ending.

Read my Smith News Feature to learn more about how I discovered new skills and used this competitive internship experience to refine and expand my IMPACT!


Posted on

November 27, 2023

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